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Network project: fellow companies

Over the years, we have built connections with a few other companies based on mutual appreciation and on the desire to collaborate by making the most of each one’s skills. Among these, the one with GREEN BOX is particularly important: the space is located in Turin, San Salvario, a neighbourhood where different cultures traditionally meet and melt. This wide and welcoming site, is managed by Thomas Pepino with extreme care and dedication showing trust and commitment to the art that is being hosted. We would like other I.E.T.M. members to experience the venue during a creative residence or over a period where they could use it as creative and rehearsing space to conceive a show they could eventually present in front of an audience as a work in progress.
This year our company has decided to promote other fellow companies whose work and thinking we appreciate and would like to help spreading by putting up TRIAGE- RASSEGNA TEATRALE DI PRIMO SOCCORSO (TRIAGE– first aid theatre festival). This has allowed, in a totally independent fashion, to have Mariano Dammacco’s Piccola Compagnia Dammacco performing «L’ultima Notte di Antonio» in Turin as well as the actor and playwright Paolo Faroni with «Grasse Risate Lacrime Magre», Alberto Gozzi, professor, old-timer of 70s Italian radio and spokesman for the RadioSpazioCreativo group.
And last but not least, Cristian Castellano’s SudateStorie with which we collaborated in setting up the show «CHIAMANO BINGO!»  whose focus on gambling addiction has led to a synergic collaboration with the Addiction department of the local national health service “asl To3” with the consultancy of doc. Paolo Jarre and doc. Marzia Spagnolo.
One of our strongest desires is to create a network that besides and even before being a working and a performing circuit would be a form of creative sharing aiming to stand up for a change in a cultural system which, especially in Italy,  needs a profound reform inspired by the rediscovery of primary artistic values.

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