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Le sette solitudini

2007-2008. Le Sette Solitudini (Seven Solitudes).
Stand up. Get ready. Go to work. But don’t look at anyone nor anything in the face. Buy and read the paper but do not understand it. Eat but do not wallow. Earn and then spend, so your work has a good reason more to be done. Pray. But only on Sundays. Take her by the hand. But do no task any questions.

A little reflection about our lazy, frustrating, pleasant and sometimes ridiculous solitudes.

Megaphone Perfomance Festival ‘07.
Bochum, Germany

Awarded the Grand Jury Prize
“Jongeren Perfomance Festival ‘08”

Groeningen, Holland

Awarded the First Prize ar the “Ri-Generazione ’08” Festival
Torino, Italy


​2010- Velvet Bunny. First Prize “Nuove Sensibilità 2010”

   After many oblivious and forgetting years, four siblings gather at the ashes ceremony after the death of a loved one. Waiting around the urn for the cemetery officer, they find themselves recalling fundamental moments of their lives, especially of their childhood, which they spent together before the separation, in a succession of episodes and intrigues slowly leading them to reveal their profound being that had been long laid behind social conventions. Such traumatizing encounter will then turn into a chance to unveil and to understand the meaning of wearing the uncomfortable clothes of a velvet bunny: a little creature born to run but whose movements are dramatically paralyzed by thick layers of velvet. Who sew all those invalidating layers up on them? Family expectations? Religious discipline? An aprioristic respect for uniforms and absurd symbols? In an continuous succession of sharp dialogues and visionary leaps, answers will – probably – not be short.

This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company.

2010- Chiamano Bingo!
Studio per una nuova forma di Democrazia della Speranza
(Bingo Call! Study for a New Form of Hoping Democracy )
Winner of Produzione Sistema Teatro Torino’s public call for proposal, in collaboration with the cultural association SUDATESTORIE

Two young men meet at a bingo in an Italian town: the first is a part-time seller of cards in that bingo – which is a swindle’s cover-up – and barely earns his life, the second is a common player, who’s been waiting too long for the right line to turn his life upside down.
The dialogue between the two is at the same time an outlet, a confrontation and an ironic reflection on our country and on our way of living.
The two men, despite their different lives and standpoints, find themselves fighting against the very same fears, living with incoherencies, dreams and above all realise they share the same hopes.

Lotteries, super national lottery, gambling, bets, football bets, video poker and bingos, a non-place by definition, are the epitome of a society where all hopes for change are but dreams and wishful thinking.

Wonder Woman


Gesù Cristo

Ancora un goccio

Velvet Bunny

Chiamano Bingo!

2011- Wonder Woman+Gesù Cristo. (Wonder Woman+Jesus Christ) Finalist Scenario Prize 2011

Under the hypnotic neon flashes of a nightclub, the disillusioned eyes of a young worker meet those of a dancer selling out her body to afford a better future for the baby she is carrying. In an alternation of monologues and dialogues, this sudden and unexpected encounter will spark off a rising of consciousness whereby two simple losers become symbols, icons: on the one hand Jesus Christ, finally appropriating again a Word that was impoverished by those who usurped and modified it to suit their own image; on the other hand a pop heroin, Wonder Woman, whose super power is now animated by a new and ever so urgent need to think with her own head once again, independently, without biases and misunderstandings, resisting and reacting.
Two parallel prayers conflict and bite one another, but in the end come together in one and only battle without seeking for victory, nor for a happy end, but only for a due redemption after thousands of years of the same sentences heard over and over again, but never really understood.

2012- Ancora un Goccio  (One More Drop)

Reflections of three common and drunk (or almost so) people on today’s world. Three people meet on a park bench. Are they friends? Foes? Lovers? They certainly share the need to drink one more sip so they find the irony and the will to speak out about the incoherencies around them…
The texts are freely but explicitly taken from Rodrigo Garcìa’s.

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